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  9. Museum in Gingst – Rügeninsel

Museum in Gingst – Rügeninsel

Museum in Gingst – Rügeninsel

Museum In Gingst

The Museum In Gingst on the island of Rügen in Germany is a mustsee for history lovers and anyone interested in the country’s WWII past. The museum chronicles the rise and fall of the Nazi regime, as well as its impact on the island of Rügen and its people.

The museum is located in the former Gestapo headquarters, and features a number of exhibits on the history of the Nazis, the Gestapo, and the island of Rügen during the war. The museum also has a café and a shop, and is open daily from 9am to 6pm.

The Museum In Gingst is a great way to learn about the history of the island of Rügen and the Nazi regime. The museum is wellorganized and the exhibits are welllabeled and informative. The café and shop are also great additions to the museum.

The only downside to the Museum In Gingst is that it is not wheelchairaccessible. However, the museum does offer a limited number of wheelchairs for visitors to use.

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